This web site is developed
by mudiyono, a student of electrical engineering department of
Gadjah Mada University.
proses of this web site is made willingly so simple. There aren't
too much animations and pictures here. I determine so, with several
reason : first, I need these page can be accesed easily or with
other word, not have to wait long time to get it. Second, as it
is placed in freespace and free domain, so that it have limited
fasility; like space and having more banner of advertisement above
each page. To overcome the problem
of limited space, I try to use 2 freesapace. Being caused this
web's placed in two free server, I think, for some situation and
some pages, it might will be too long to be accesed.
At the beginning, I deem
that design of web isn't too important, but the most important
one is content of the web itself. But lately, I realize that,
how good the web page without having interesting design, will
make it's not comfortable to be read.
So, with regard to above
reason, I try to design these page as interesting as possible,
without having to use alot of image and animations. I do that
with use several colours and type of letter that I assume matching
with these page.
The main problem of accesing,
might be happen if one of these servers is off line or condition
is out of order. So that, I beg your pardon if sometime you want
to visit this web site, but it can not be accesable caused above